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Version: 4.0

Get Model List

http://{supOS ip:port}/open-api/bigdata/v2/models
Query parameter
  • name: Model name. Fuzzy match based on the set name.
  • trainable: Whether it is trainable. Integer. 0-no and 1-yes.
  • pageNo: Page number.
  • pageSize: Items on the page.
  • 200: Successful.
"list": [
"id": "uuiduuiduuid",
"name": "model-1",
"description": "linear regression training model",
"code": "Xsdfsfd24dfsadfsaf",
"inParams": "[{\"name\":\"a\",\"dataType\":\"Integer\",\"description\":\"a\"},{\"name\":\"y\",\"dataType\":\"String\",\"description\":\"y\"}]",
"outParams": "[{\"name\":\"pre\",\"dataType\":\"Double\",\"description\":\"a\"}]",
"trainable": 0,
"createdTime": 15612344562000,
"updateTime": 15612344562000
"pagination": {
"total": 100,
"pageSize": 20,
"current": 1
  • 400
"code": 40000404,
"message": "unknown error"

Get Model Version List

http://{supOS ip:port}/open-api/bigdata/v2/models/{modelCode}/versions

modelCode: Model code. Required. String.

  • 200: Successful.
"list": [
"id": "uuiduuiduuid",
"description": "upgrade model precision to 99%",
"modelCode": "Xsdfsfd24dfsadfsaf",
"version": "v1.0",
"createdTime": 15612344562000
  • 400
"code": 40000404,
"message": "unknown error"

Call Runtime Model

http://{supOS ip:port}/open-api/bigdata/v2/models/{modelCode}/trainings

modelCode: Model code. Required. String.

Request body
  • file: Required. Training data file. Excel2007 and csv are supported (with comma as separator).
  • source: Training source.
  • sourceId: Training source ID.
  • sourceName: Training source name.
  • 201: Successful.
"id": "uuiduuiduuid" //training record ID
  • 400
"code": 40000404,
"message": "unknown error"